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Video gamers, industrial and graphic designers, architects, video editors, photographers... Nowadays, there are many people whose processors are heavily used. Of course, a processor that calculates is a processor that heats up and a ventilation system that turbines noisily. The solution to this noise? A watercooling system.

Unlike a simple air cooler, the heat from your components no longer spreads through your case, but rather in a closed circuit containing a heat transfer fluid. This liquid, generally composed of water, will then convey this heat to a radiator and a fan which will expel it out of the case. “But there is still an air cooler!” will you say. And you'd be right ! But unlike air coolers usually attached to the heating components (CPU, GPU, etc.), this one has a radiator with a much larger heat transfer surface, allowing efficient evacuation with fans running at lower speeds!


Refrigeration technicians, computer scientists, electronics engineers and chemists... We find a bit of all these qualifications in each overclocker. They are kind of like the engine tuners of computing systems !

Of course, their main objective, which is to increase performance, is often accompanied by an increase in the produced heat. This is where a problem appears since electronics generally do not appreciate overheating. For the most extreme cases, solutions exist including the use of evaporators for liquid nitrogen or liquid helium . This requires a huge control and a very reliable equipment in order to maintain a minimum of precision in the adjustments that take place throughout the tests.

And what is more reliable and more effective for controlling a system than using high-quality, custom-designed solutions?